Travel rage

By Alison Noonan
TEMPERS flared when Casey Council discussions about travel and conference expenditure turned ugly at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
Verbal blows were traded between Mayfield Ward Councillor Kevin Bradford and Strathard Ward Councillor Lorraine Wreford after Cr Bradford proposed that any overnight travel accommodation required within Victoria be authorised by a resolution of council.
The move followed the disclosure of individual travel and conference expenditure for councillors and officers in the last financial year.
Collectively, councillors racked up a $44,000 bill.
The big spenders included the then mayor Rob Wilson, who cost ratepayers more than $7,000, including a night’s accommodation at Hilton on the Park.
Other councillors claimed trips to the United States, Canada, England, Dubai and East Timor.
In contrast to his jetsetting colleagues, Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler was the only councillor who didn’t fly and dine on the public purse.
Cr Wreford claimed Cr Bradford’s proposal to make councillors more accountable was a reflection that council was becoming “totally over governed”.
“This is council becoming too prescriptive,” she said.
Cr Wreford attacked councillors for refusing her request to travel to Sydney for the “Going Public” women’s conference earlier in the meeting.
“Now I have a group of Labor councillors who won’t even let me go on a conference.
“This is coming from one of our most travelled councillors, Kevin Bradford.
“Cr Bradford pretends he’s outraged at travel and he’s one of the biggest perpetrators.
“It is just ridiculous,” she said.
Cr Bradford hit back at Cr Wreford after wasting no time in setting the gallery straight about his political allegiance.
“If anyone is ridiculous here it is Cr Wreford.
“I’m not even a Labor councillor. I ask her to retract her unfounded comment,” he said.
“How dare she say we are being over governed?
“We are here to represent the residents and I think a lot of people here forget that.”
Cr Bradford claimed it was “a right, not a privilege” to be elected onto council and suggested Cr Wreford readjust her reason for being a councillor if she didn’t agree.
“It is not for personal gain or political aspirations to be on council.
“We need to be open, transparent and accountable in everything we do.
“If a councillor or officer has too much to drink and decides they want to stay at a plush hotel in the city at the expense of ratepayers, I find that disgraceful and I think a number of residents would agree.
“This proposal will ensure that councillors and officers plan appropriate accommodation if they are attending a conference in Melbourne instead of them saying they can’t be bothered driving home,” he said.
Although mayor Neil Lucas agreed with Cr Wreford that the proposal was taking council accountability too far, the motion was carried.