Scouts struggle despite grant

By Sarah Schwager
DESPITE receiving a much-needed grant to repair its hall, the Devon Meadows Scout Group is struggling to stay afloat.
Group leader Yvonne O’Brien said funds were difficult to come by and with no fund raising committee it made the job even harder.
“We are really struggling and it’s not just us. There are lots of scout groups in the same position,” she said.
“But we are determined to keep going. The kids need to have something to do.”
Many of the 56 members, who range from seven to 18 years old, are from the coastal villages such as Warneet, Blind Bight, Cannons Creek, Tooradin and Pearcedale.
Twenty of those are Venturers, who are in the 15 to 18 age group.
Mrs O’Brien said without scouts, for some children, unless they played sport, there was nothing else on offer.
“What are they going to do if we close? We want to keep going for them but we really are struggling,” she said.
The group was recently awarded a $1000 grant from the Hunt Club Community Fund, $500 to repair a water leakage in the roof and $500 to build lockable storage boxes in the hall.
“The roof desperately needs fixing,” Mrs O’Brien said. “It is leaking and is a huge safety issue. It has also been causing the floor to buckle.”
The roof is likely to cost more than $1000 to repair.
The group has also received a $1600 grant from the Department of Smaller Communities but Mrs O’Brien said the money would not go far.
She said as a parent committee had not been formed and with minimal support from Casey Council, it made it difficult to continue.
“We are always told to go to Scouts Australia but the problem is that they are really struggling as well.”
Up until last year the club had more interested members than it could accommodate but with two new leaders membership has risen.
“We don’t have a problem with membership, it’s fund raising that’s the big problem.”
The Scout Hall is located at Finsbury Road, Devon Meadows. Call 5998 1093 for details.