Nick Verhaar
Email would have to be one of, if not, the most crucial and relied upon form of communication for millions of people all over the world today.
However, not everything that arrives in your inbox can be trusted as being completely genuine, as many hoaxes are circulated throughout the internet every day, primarily via email.
Yet another hoax has been circulating the internet as of late, disguising itself as a scheduled software upgrade to Seek’s popular online job site.
The hoax email is mass delivered at random and contains links to a bogus website that mimics the appearance of the Seek website in an attempt to gain access to account details and passwords of Seek’s existing customer base.
So far this hoax has been unsuccessful, which could be due to the poorly worded email that appears as follows: “SEEK’s technical services department is carrying out a scheduled software upgrade to improve the quality of service for SEEK’s customers… We urgently request you to go to the link below and confirm your Advertiser details.”
If you happen to receive or know of someone that has received an email such as this, it is highly advisable to ignore and delete this email upon receiving it.
If you happen to have already submitted your personal details, it is highly likely that your account has been compromised and you should get in touch with Seek and notify them as soon as possible.
Although this hoax has been fairly unsuccessful so far, evidently people still need to be warned and educated regarding the effects and ramifications of submitting personal data to hoax emails such as these, as there are still a minority of people that unknowingly proceed and hand over their details.