Call to party safe

THERE will be many a party during the holiday period but Casey and Victoria Police officials don’t want them to get out of hand.
The two organisations are asking party holders to register their holiday parties with the PartySafe program.
The initiative is designed to allow residents to hold parties that are safe, enjoyable and cause minimal disruption to neighbours and the community.
Residents are encouraged to register their party with local police a fortnight prior to the event. This allows police units to patrol the area and deter any would-be gatecrashers and troublemakers.
Police Inspector Robert Hill said the program is a practical crime prevention tool that enables police and the community to work together to minimise trouble.
“This pro-active initiative offers the community an opportunity to actively assist police with preventing party-related offences and other anti-social behaviour that often occurs once the party is over,” Insp Hill said.
“We take party registration very seriously because it has been very effective in reducing the number of party-related problems in the Casey area,” he said.
Insp Hill said PartySafe participants would receive an information kit that provides strategies and ideas to help make their party as safe as possible.
PartySafe registration forms are available from police stations or call the City of Casey on 9705 5200.