Baker’s nervousness turns to delight

By Sarah Schwager
A CRANBOURNE woman is a bake ahead of the rest when it comes to customer service.
Melanie Ryan won a Bakers Delight award for outstanding customer service, one of just 11 awards in the whole of Victoria.
The senior teamleader at Bakers Delight in Thompson Parkway Shopping Centre in Cranbourne North was overjoyed at winning the award.
Ms Ryan said her district manager had nominated her and had said “heads would roll” if she didn’t win.
Concern about whether she would win was laid to rest at a presentation night at the Ridges Hotel in Richmond recently during a two-day conference.
Ms Ryan has been working under the same boss for the last seven years. Before the Thompson Parkway store was opened she worked at the store at Cranbourne Centro Shopping Centre.
“I enjoy the job. I love to put a smile on customers’ faces,” she said.
The single mother of two said she hoped the award would let other single mums know they could do it too.
“The kids were so supportive. They loved it. They were so happy I won,” she said.
Ms Ryan was presented with a new hat and t-shirt and the store manager put her certificate in a frame on the store’s wall.