Q & A with Clyde North meditation-book author Santosh Nambiar

(Stewart Chambers, 418752)

Tell us about yourself and how you start writing.

I’m not great at playing with words, and my vocabulary isn’t extensive. To find inner peace, I use techniques from my book, “The Art of Conscious Balance.” One technique is observing my mind, which often drifts into thoughts about the past or future, causing a lot of mental noise. When I notice this chatter, it helps me create a calm space in my mind. In that peaceful state, words and sentences come to me naturally, expressing exactly what I want to say. Sometimes, when I finish writing a chapter, I’m surprised by what I’ve written—I wonder if I truly wrote it! Practicing the art of conscious balance has greatly improved my writing

What has been your most memorable moment during your writing career?

Strolling through Lysterfield Lake/park, soaking in nature’s beauty, and discussing my writing plans with my children, Sanjana and Sanjit.

What do you love the most about writing?

What I love most about writing is the ability to tap into a state of complete presence. When I’m fully in the moment, the right words and sentences effortlessly flow from my mind onto the paper, almost magically. It’s a deeply satisfying and creative process for me.

What’s your favourite book(s)?

Freedom from the Known – J. Krishna murti

The Power of Now – E. Tolle.

Who’s your favourite author(s)? / Inspiration.

J. Krishna murti and E. Tolle.

What books are currently reading?

I am currently writing/ working on my new book.

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

As a nature lover, I’d be a honeybee. Not only would I get to flit from flower to flower all day, taste fresh honey, but I’d also play a vital role in pollinating plants and helping the environment thrive!

What were you like as a kid?

I’d like to think I was street-smart, but everyone else thought I was clueless.

What event, past or present, would you like to witness?

I’d love to witness the first caveman attempting to cook food with fire. Can you imagine the trial and error involved in that process? Similarly, I stumbled upon ‘The Art of Conscious Balance’ through my own trial and error. It’s still a work in progress.

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Rabindranath Tagore: For some poetic conversations and soulful songs.

Swami Vivekananda: For spiritual insights and motivational talks.

Virat Kohli: To add some sporty charm and maybe discuss cricket over dinner!

Robin Williams: For non-stop laughs.

Gordon Ramsay, not only for his cooking skills but also for some spicy dinner table commentary.

Dr. Jennifer Doudna: Co-inventor of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, to discuss ground-breaking advancements in biotechnology. That would be one electrifying, entertaining, and slightly chaotic dinner party! And, of course, it would be even better with the support and company of my dear wife Sandhya.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

• Mischievous

• Playful

• Dependable

What would you do on your perfect ‘day off’?

On my perfect day off, I’d kickstart the morning with a delightful bowl of bircher muesli with nuts accompanied by fresh, juicy fruit. After breakfast, I’d venture out to explore a scenic park or hiking trail, soaking in the natural beauty. For lunch, I’d gather with friends for a relaxing picnic at either Lysterfield Park or the Wilson Botanical Garden. In the afternoon, I’d settle into a cozy café to immerse myself in writing, savoring the creative flow. As evening approaches, I’d unwind with a feel-good movie or indulge in the latest prank show like “Just for Laughs Gags,” accompanied by delicious Indian snacks. Finally, I’d conclude my day by stargazing or simply enjoying the serene moonlit view from the balcony.

Where is your happy place?

My happy place is anywhere I can surround myself with the beauty of serene nature—where beautiful lakes shimmer, birds chirp melodiously, and butterflies dance in the air. I can also be at home Whether nestled in a cozy corner at home, lost in a peaceful library, or enjoying a quaint café with an extra hot latte, these serene settings bring me solace and joy, immersed in nature’s tranquil embrace.

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?

If I were to compete on MasterChef, I’d highlight my passion for Indian cuisine by preparing a dish like Biryani with (raw) jackfruit. This aromatic rice dish is traditionally layered with marinated meat such as chicken or lamb, but I’d substitute jackfruit. It features a blend of aromatic spices and caramelized onions, typically served alongside raita (yogurt dip) and a side of curry.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

I might say that my dream holiday destination would be somewhere like New Zealand, where I could explore stunning landscapes, from green valleys to tall mountains and clear lakes, or maybe even Austria. But deep down, I would love to go back to Kerala – “God’s Own Country.” my home state in India, there, I could walk through lush green paddy fields with the majestic mountains in the background, take a boat ride in the backwaters surrounded by coconut and areca nut trees, and enjoy the peaceful evenings, only to be interrupted by the sound of a woodpecker or a crow pheasant. Sipping hot ‘nadan Chaya’ (local Kerala tea) and enjoying the monsoon rain would make it perfect.