What’s on

Mega community garage sale You are invited to attend garage sales in the Warneet and Blind Bight area. Maps with the garage sale addresses will be available for a gold coin donation at the entrance to Blind Bight, or at the fire station in Warneet on Rutherford Road. There will also be a variety of activities at the Warneet-Blind Bight fire station and Blind Bight Community Centre including a sausage sizzle, raffle, coffee van, CFA community education trailer, live music, Casey 360 bus, brigade displays and activities. Bacon and egg rolls will also be available at the Community Centre car park. Limited spaces for car boot sales at $15 per car are also available for anyone from outside the area. • Saturday 20 October from 8am-2pm at Warneet-Blind Bight fire station, Rutherford Parade, Warneet. Enquiries contact Debra on 0400613303.
What’s on
Free hearing test Hearing loss is a significant health issue in the community affecting an estimated 1 in 6 Australians. […]