Free hearing test
Hearing loss is a significant health issue in the community affecting an estimated 1 in 6 Australians. Getting your hearing checked is a simple and painless way to learn more about your hearing and what can be done to help. Australian Hearing will be visiting Balla Balla Community Centre so please contact the centre on 5990 0900 to book your appointment for a free hearing check.
• Wednesday 10 October from 9:30am-12pm.
Car boot sale
Find yourself a bargain at a furniture, cakes and car boot sale on 13 October. Stallholders welcome to market for a $15 fee, which includes a large table.
– St James’ Anglican Church, cnr Langholme and Wilson streets, Dandenong on Saturday 13 October, 8am-1.30pm. Details: Cliff Wallis 9795 8190 or Charles Anderson 0412 221 652.
Trivia Night
A fun night out for all ages. Bring your food and drinks, but most importantly bring your trivia brain. Silent auctions galore will be available where many go for less than their value. This is a fundraising night for Casey Choir. Book a table or just book a ticket or two. Bookings are essential on 0403 012 453
• Saturday 27 October at 7pm. Beaconsfield Community Centre, 8 O’Neil Road, Beaconsfield. Tickets: $20
Berwick Antique and Collectables Fair
Items can be brought in for valuation between 12-3pm. $5 per item. No jewellery, stamps or coins. Lunch and refreshments available. All proceeds go to Riding for the Disabled Myuna Farm. Entry adults $5 and children are free.
• Sunday, 14 October from 9am-4pm at Berwick Leisure Centrum, 79 Manuka Road, Berwick. Contact Coosje on 0432 869 215.
“Peace at Last” WW1 walk at Lang Lang Cemetery.
The Narre Warren & District Family History Group Inc. and the Lang Lang Historical Society are hosting a cemetery walk, “Peace at Last” WW1 at Lang Lang Cemetery. A book on the tour and other local cemetery tour books will also be available.
• Sunday 14 October at 10am. Bookings essential. $5 entry. Location: McDonalds Track, Lang Lang, South Gippsland Highway. Melways Map X912 ref. R8. Please contact Jane Rivett-Carnac cemetery.tours@nwfhg.org.au. Lynne Bradleypresident@nwfhg.org.au Phone 8787 5558.
New Vogue, Ballroom, and Latin Dancing
Put a spring in your step and have some fun! Dancing is a beautiful learning experience to enjoyable music, and improves your mental and physical health. The additional class time of 1pm on Wednesdays meets the needs of those who specifically enjoy sequenced dancing. Discounts are available for attendance at two classes in any one week. Everyone welcome! Instructor is accredited, approachable, and affordable. Cost: $10-00 per session. Enquiries: Call Di 0408343202. Email: difen69@bigpond.net.au
• Monday 8 October – 17 December 5.30pm – 6.30pm or 7pm – 8pm and Wednesday 10 October – 19 December 1pm – 2pm.
Spring plant sale of Australian plants
A great opportunity to purchase plants and look around the Australian Garden. A wide range of Australian plants in tubes and larger pots will be for sale priced from $3.
• Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October from 10am-4pm at Royal Botanic Garden Victoria Cranbourne, Cnr Ballarto Road and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne.
Open day
Blairlogie Living and Learning Inc is opening its doors to the public. There will be live entertainment, market stalls, jumping castles, vegetable and plant sales, food stalls, show bags, and raffles. Supported by the Pearcedale Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank.
• Sunday 21 October at Blairlogie Living and Learning Inc, 685 North Road, Cranbourne South.
High tea
Everyone is welcome to attend The Dr Hope 2018 High Tea event in support of the Monash Health Clinical Cancer Trials. Come join us for a wonderful afternoon and help make a difference for those bringing the fight to cancers front door. Champagne served in the Merrimu Courtyard followed by a traditional high tea menu in the old world charms of the Merrimu Room. Ticket includes entertainment and a traditional High Tea menu of gourmet sandwiches, hot finger food, scones, mixed sweet, tea, coffee, orange juice and soft drinks.
• Sunday 28 October from 12.30pm to 4pm at Merrimu Receptions, 1300 Dandenong Road, Murrumbeena. Tickets $65 per person – available at Trybooking at https://www.trybooking.com/393017.
Cranbourne and District Garden Club
Come along, meet people and maybe learn a thing or two. All are welcome.
• Every second Thursday of the month at 1.15pm at the Cranbourne Public Hall.
Harmony Choir
Harmony Choir has vacancies for singers to be part of our exciting end of year program of friendly fun and performances. Singers will be warmly welcomed for choir practices.
• Choir practices are held every Monday at 7.30pm in the Old Cheese Factory, Homestead Road Berwick. For further details call 0427 643 221.
Choirs members wanted
Fenix Chorale Inc.is a choir consisting of thirty plus sings beautiful four part harmonies to a variety of popular songs and performs several times during the year at local retirement villages and other venues. The choir was formed in September 2016 and holds rehearsals in the Auditorium at Woodlands Park, 72 Kangan Drive, Berwick on the first, second and third Wednesdays of the month, except the Christmas Holidays, 2.30 – 3.45pm. The conductor is Vic Clement. The choir of thirty plus sings beautiful four part harmonies to a variety of popular songs and performs several times during the year at local retirement villages and other venues.
• New members are always welcome. Please phone the Secretary, Margaret Haywood – 9700 3973 or email: mhaywood.celebrant@gmail.com for further information.
Casey U3A
Casey U3A classes for retirees will be held in Berwick at a range of locations and also at Selandra Community Hub, Clyde North. Only $35 to join for year. 40 plus classes.
• Visit the website at http://casey.u3anet.org.au for details or John 9707 2301 or 0409 515465.
Seniors activities
Berwick Seniors welcome new members who would like to join their club and enjoy good company and activities such as indoor croquet, billiards, table tennis, darts, board games and bingo.
• The club days are Fridays, 9.30am-1.30pm, with line-dancing on Tuesdays 10.30am-12pm.112 High Street, Berwick. Details: 9707 2017.
Add your voice
Voices of Casey choir is recruiting new members, especially men – from enthusiastic amateurs to seasoned singers. Led by music director Dr Jonathon Welch AM, our repertoire includes well-known classics, pop songs and contemporary compositions.· Mondays 7-9.30pm, except school holidays at Fiddlers Green Retirement Village, 57 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick. Details: Paulien, 9769 8611 or maritimes.1@hotmail.com.
With One Voice
Would you like to be inspired, unleash your creative potential and improve your well-being? Then a With One Voice choir is for you! Singing is the language of the heart. For centuries, song has played a key role in community, culture and story-telling. Every week Creativity Australia’s With One Voice choirs inspire diverse people from more than 40 nationalities, aged nine to 90 to sing side by side. There are no auditions and no singing experience is necessary and is led by professional conductors. Choir is a great place to find your voice, find friends, de-stress, build well-being and confidence, learn new skills and connect to your community.
• Weekly on Mondays 6.15pm-7.30pm at the Narre Warren Seniors Centre. 192/196 Centre Road, Narre Warren. Supper included. (03) 8679 6088 or email withonevoice@creativityaustralia.org.au.
Time for tennis
Cranbourne Tennis Club holds social tennis on Thursday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am. Competitions are open to singles and doubles of all ages including beginners and advanced players. Cost is $2 including tea and coffee.
• Casey Fields at 160 Berwick-Cranbourne Rd (Melways 134 E7). Details: 0419 382 049 or 0432 535 575.
Learn to play the bagpipes
The Berwick Pipers INC is interested in attracting new members to its group, particularly experienced bagpipe players. The group play B Flat chanters in our bagpipes as it gives them the greatest chance of helping concert bands and orchestras. The Pipers are a group of musicians who play the Great Highland Bagpipe. They have assisted Berwick Rotary on Australia days at Pioneer Park by playing in the Official Party and providing incidental music around the grounds. They perform around the City of Casey at a variety of venues to entertain the public but we also teach learners to play the great highland bagpipe. Despite the group currently having a mid-year break, lessons for their learners continue.
• Email berwickpipers16@gmail.com or visit the website at www.berwickpipers.info. The group’s secretary Steve Everett and tutor can be contacted on 03 97296219 or 0425 826 990.
Community choir
With One Voice Casey choir welcomes singers of all backgrounds and abilities. There are no auditions. No singing experience is necessary. Rehearsals run each Monday, starting from 28 May. Supper included.
• 6.15-7.30pm, Mondays at Narre Warren Seniors Centre, 192-1096 Centre Road, Narre Warren. Details: 8679 6088 or withonevoice@creativityaustralia.org.au.
Men talking
OM:NI holds a discussion group for blokes over 50 in a warm, friendly environment. They meet over coffee and discuss issues of interest, with plenty of laughs. New members welcome. Tea and coffee provided.
• First Wednesday of the month, 9am-12pm at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House, 21A Bemersyde Drive, Berwick. Details: Brian Regan, 0408 545 984.
Pre-kindergarten group
Narre Community Learning Centre runs a pre-kinder program Mondays-Thursdays. The program focuses on preparing children for the big step into kindergarten.
• Mondays 1pm-4pm, Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30am-12.30pm at Narre Community Learning Centre, 1 Malcolm Court Narre Warren. Details: 9704 7388.
Thursday Playgroup
This group is run in a small, fun and friendly environment by an experienced playgroup co-ordinator. With crafts, songs, story-time and outdoor play, it’s a great place for your child to socialise and make great friends. Available for children up to four years old.
• 9.30-11.30am Thursdays at Oakgrove Community Centre, 89-101 Oakgrove Drive, Narre Warren South. Bookings: 9704 2781.
Children’s Fitness
The Happy Feet fitness and entertainment program delivers educational content, creativity and social skills. Suitable for 18 months-5 years. Costs $9.50 per session.
• 12-12.30pm Tuesdays at Oakgrove Community Centre, 89-101 Oakgrove Drive, Narre Warren South. Bookings: 9704 2781 or Cathy Lord, 0402 146 629 andcathy@happyfeetadmin.com.au.
Free community lunch
• Hampton Park Uniting Church, 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park Ph: 9799 7994. Every Thursday (during school term) at 12 noon.
Church activities
• Activity based interactive gathering for families. Free dinner included. Hampton Park Uniting Church, 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park. Every Fortnight (Saturdays) from 4.30pm – 6.30pm. Contact Jo 0401 191 650.
Carpet bowls
Hampton Park Senior Citizens club welcomes the community to join in a carpet bowls every Saturday from 1pm-3pm at 2 Narellan Dr, Hampton Park. For more information please contact the club on 97992588 or kcj@iinet.net.au.
Berwick Bushwalking Club
Berwick and District Bushwalking Club hold weekday and Sunday walks. If you enjoy keeping fit and like the outdoors with the added bonus of meeting new friends, come and join our group for a walk. Walks vary between 10 and 16 kilometres. Visitor walk fee is $3.
• For information on future walks please contact Grazie: 97001158 or 0427455459; or email: secretary@berwickbwc.org.au Visit the webpage: berwickbwc.org.au.
Community activities
Narre Warren North Uniting Church welcomes everyone to attend weekly sessions with the following community groups.
• Uniting Images Photography Group on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm; Uniting Readers Book Club – last Monday of the month at 7.30 pm; Community Garden – Tuesdays 10am – 12pm and Saturdays 9am – 12pm; Coffee and Conversation – Wednesdays 9.30am and exercise group at 12pm; Art and Craft – Wednesdays 1pm – 3.30pm; Crazy Needles Knitting and Crochet group on Thursdays 10am-4pm; Card Making – fortnightly on Thursdays at 1pm – 4pm and Dinner and Film Night on the fourth Saturday of the month at 5.30pm. The OP-shop is open Wednesday to Friday from 9am – 3pm and Saturdays 9am – 1pm. All sessions held at Narre Warren North Uniting Church at 1 Main St, Narre Warren North.
Exercise classes
The Hallam Community Learning Centre are up and running again with their Hallam Sensational Movers exercise classes in Gunns Road, Hallam. Come to one or come to both.
• Every Monday at 11.15am or Wednesdays from 11am. The cost per session is $5 per person plus a small 2018 membership fee of $5. Ph. 9703-1688 for further inquiries.
Pre-school story time
The Berwick Mechanics Institute and Free Library welcomes everyone to story time sessions for pre-schoolers .
• Every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10.30am at 15 High Street, Berwick. Contact 9707 3519 or email bmi@dcsi.net.au.
Community lunch
Free community lunch at Hampton Park Uniting Church.
• Every Thursday (during school term) 12noon. 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park. Phone: 9799 7994.
Activities for families
Activity based interactive gathering for families. Free dinner Included.
• Hampton Park Uniting Church 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park Every Fortnight (Saturdays) 4.30-6.30pm. Contact Jo 0401 191 650.
Hampton Park Uniting Church
• 1 Coral Drive Hampton Park Ph: 9799 7994. Friday mornings from 9.30am-11.30am (during school term). $3 per child or $5 a family. Morning tea included.
Gentle yoga
Are you looking to fight stress, get fit and stay healthy? Then limber up for a gentle yoga exercise class at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House. Bookings essential, $10 a session or $80 for 10 weeks.
• Tuesdays, 10-11am and Wednesdays, 7pm-8pm at 21A Bemersyde Drive, Berwick. Details: admin@bpnh.org.au or 9702 1218.
Australian Plants Society, Wilson Park Berwick
APS encourages and educates the love of Australian plants. Meetings include talks by people engaged in the cultivation of plants and preservation of the environment.
• Meetings held every second Tuesday of month at 7.30pm at Visitors’ Centre, Wilson Botanic Gardens. Website – www.apswilsonparkberwick.org.au.
Diabetes Life Program
Berwick Healthcare, a not for profit community practice is working with Diabetes Australia to run the Life program which teaches Victorians how to reduce their risk of chronic disease by making small changes to their lifestyle. The program helps Victorians to live healthier lives. Run by Diabetes Victoria and funded by the Victorian Government, the program empowers participants to change their lifestyle to help reduce their risk of developing type two diabetes, heart disease and stroke. For more information visit www.lifeprogram.org. au or contact life@diabetesvic.org.au.
• Berwick Healthcare, 76 Clyde Road, Berwick. A free group program will run in October. For more information and timetables contact Berwick Healthcare on 9796 1500.
Book Club
The Readers Corner book club are looking for new members to join up.
• Meetings are every second Wednesday of the month at the Cranbourne Library, 65 Berwick-Cranbourne Road. Contact Lillian: 5995 7790.
Narre Warren Seniors
If you are over 55, live in Casey, and don’t go to the Footy on Saturdays, then here’s something you can do – come and play cards or darts with a friendly group of people at Narre Warren Seniors. Cards and darts are played on alternate Saturdays from 1pm to 3pm.
• 192-196 Centre Road, near the Narre Warren Railway Station. Phone 9704 0015 or 0426 736 467 for more information.
Zumba class
Bounce into fitness with instructor Nidia at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House.
– Thursdays, 7-8pm at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House, 21a Bemersyde Drive, Berwick. $10 per session. Bookings 9702 1218 or admin@bpnh.org.au.
Hampton Park Uniting Place offers many opportunities for people to make new friends and help contribute to the wellbeing of others. The range of supportive groups are also offered for people to become involved in, such as the Carers’ Hub on Tuesdays which is welcoming space for carers to join together and receive support and information from professionals. The group also enjoy a two-course meal together.
– Hampton Park Uniting Church, 1 Coral Drive, Hampton Park. Activities can be viewed on its Facebook page. For more information contact Farrah or Jo via email on narrehamptonparkuc@bigpond.com or call on 9799 7994.
Friends for a cause
Berwick Evening View Club meets monthly and welcomes new members. The club raises funds to support the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program. The club aims to provide an opportunity for women of all ages and backgrounds to make new friends while supporting a good cause.
– Meetings on third Monday of the month, 7pm at the Beaconsfield Hotel, 1 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield. Details: Kay 9769 7762.
Basic computer classes
Small classes with patient tutor.
– Tuesday mornings for eight weeks at Hallam Community Learning Centre. Phone 9703 1688 or email admin@hallamclc.com.au.
Tuesday playgroup
Your child can socialise and make great friends at a small and fun Tuesday playgroup. The group is supervised and facilitated by an experienced playgroup leader, with craft activities, songs, story-time and outdoor play. For children up to four years old.
– Oakgrove Community Centre, 89-101 Oakgrove Drive, Narre Warren South, Tuesdays, 9.30-11.30am. Bookings on 9704 2781.
Cranbourne Garden Club
Everyone is welcome to come along and have fun and maybe learn something about gardening.
– Meetings at Cranbourne Public Hall, second Thursday of the month at 1.30pm. Contact Julie Muley on 5995 1420.
Artwork sale
Berwick Art Society’s paint group sells its artworks each Thursday. Everyone is welcome to visit and chat with the artists.
– Thursdays, 11.30am-2.30pm at the Old Cheese Factory, 34 Homestead Road, Berwick.
Hallam Sensational Movers
Keep fit this winter and join the Hallam Sensational Movers club for a gentle exercise class for those who prefer it or step up their pace if they can.
– Mondays, 11.15am and Wednesdays, 11am at the Scout Hall, Gunns Road, Hallam. $5 per class. Phone 9703 1688 for more details.
Pre-school story time
The Berwick Mechanics Institute and Free Library is providing a story time for pre-schoolers.
– Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10.30am at 15 High Street, Berwick. Call 9707 3519 or email bmi@dcsi.net.au.
Problem drinkers
Al-Anon Family Group is for relatives and friends of problem drinkers.
– Mondays from 10am at the Andrews Centre, corner Hanna Drive and Heatherton Road, Endeavour Hills. Call 1300 252 666 or visit www.al-anon.org.au.
Indoor bowls
Enjoy full size indoor bowls at the Casey Indoor Sports Centre every Friday morning. Morning tea supplied.
– Holland Drive, Cranbourne, 10am-noon. Cost $5. Call Ron on 5990 9048 or 0411 126 946.
Stitch up a course
Stitch and Chat is a weekly practical workshop for sewing crafts – knitting, embroidery, quilting and crochet led by a guest facilitator.
– Narre Warren North Uniting Church. For details and dates, phone 9700 5061.
Disadvantaged toddlers group
This is a self-help support group for parents whose severely disadvantaged children are unable to participate in mainstream pre-school activities. It is particularly aimed at children who are suffering from conditions that require 24-hour supervision.
– Narre Warren North Uniting Church. For details and dates, phone 9700 5061.
Affordable healthy cooking
Healthy cooking teaches participants to prepare healthy home-cooked meals. Aimed at families and singles, this series of weekly demonstrations will be supported by follow-up practical sessions for each recipe.
– Narre Warren North Uniting Church. For details and dates, phone 9700 5061.
Myuna Farm
Myuna Farm in Doveton hosts a produce swap where residents can swap their excess home-grown produce with other participants. Produce swaps are not only for swapping home-grown fruit and vegetables, but participants can also bring along items including eggs, seeds and seedlings, flowers and compost. There is no money exchanged, just items swapped. New participants are welcome and no bookings are required.
– Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road, Doveton, second Saturday of every month. Call 9706 9944.
Mental health program
Grow offers a 12-step recovery focused program to those who are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties.
– Berwick Neighbourhood Centre, 112 High Street, Berwick, every Wednesday at 10am. For further information, contact Grow Community Centre on 1800 558 268 or visitwww.grow.org.au. Gold coin donation is appreciated.
Participate with more than 100 others in a free five-kilometre timed event every Saturday morning. The event caters for serious runners and for those wanting a jog or even a walk.
– Saturdays at 8am at Berwick Springs. Visit the Berwick Springs Parkrun website for more information.
Senior Citizens
Hallam Senior Citizens Centre is welcoming new members. Senior citizens can enjoy carpet bowls, bingo, games, club room events and day tours. Visitors are invited to pop in and enjoy a game of bowls or bingo to see what the club is like. Free bowling tuition provided.
– Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays Hallam Senior Citizens Centre. For further Information phone president Dorothy Mickelson on 9796 7580.
Indoor bowls
Full size indoor bowls is conducted at the Casey Indoor Sports Centre Smethurst Street, Cranbourne, every Friday from 10am to noon. $5 morning tea included.
– Phone Ron on 5990 9048 or 0411 126 946.