Plan fades to black

By Rebecca Fraser
PLANS to hold movie nights in Cranbourne have been rejected by Casey councillors following lengthy debate at Tuesday’s council meeting.
Mayfield Ward councillor Steve Beardon moved the idea and suggested that the council liaise with police youth officers to investigate using the Old Shire Offices in Cranbourne to host cinema/movie events, and that a report be presented to council by June.
However, the move failed to attract enough votes on Tuesday with only four of the 10 councillors in attendance supporting the move.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford welcomed the idea of putting the newly renovated shire offices to use but raised concerns about the cost of the venture and who would operate the event.
Cr Bradford said it was not part of police youth officer’s duties to supervise activities like the one proposed by his fellow Mayfield Ward councillor.
Casey director of community services Jennie Lee said the building could only legally house 50 people and could not attract a large number of people.
Cr Wayne Smith said the concept was good but also agreed that the police should not be expected to run the event.
He said the closure of the Village cinema at Cranbourne Centro had clearly left a void in the Cranbourne community but it was not just young moviegoers but also older residents who had been affected.
Councillors Lorraine Wreford and Mick Morland questioned whether it was the council’s role to operate movies.
Cr Morland said he was against the concept and questioned the staff costs as well as the cost of security, cleaning and movie hire the proposed venture would generate.
He said the Cranbourne cinema had closed because it was no longer viable to remain open and Cr Beardon’s idea would also prove too costly.
Councillor Colin Butler suggested the Cranbourne Community Theatre as a more suitable location for community movie nights.
Cr Beardon agreed that the theatre, which can accommodate 250 people, could be a better option.
The mayor noted that there was no roll down screen but said the matter was worth considering again in future.