Petrol theft rise fuels concern

Right: Petrol thefts, as reported in the News last month, are still a problem, say police.Right: Petrol thefts, as reported in the News last month, are still a problem, say police.

By Alison Noonan
CRANBOURNE Police are appealing for the cooperation of motorists to combat the increasing problem of petrol driveoffs.
Detective Sergeant Larry Grimshaw said drivers needed to be more careful of where they parked their cars after police received 43 reports of theft from cars in the Cranbourne response zone in July.
He said statistics also revealed 22 thefts of number plates and 30 petrol driveoffs were recorded during the month.
“The most prevalent days for thefts seem to be Wednesdays and Saturdays, two of the days when petrol prices increase,” Det Sgt Grimshaw said.
“We recorded 11 cases of theft on Saturdays and 10 on Wednesdays in July.
“People need to be mindful of where they park their cars.
“Don’t park in isolated spaces and try to park under lights.
“Be careful not to leave valuables in the car and install one way screws on your number plates so they can’t be undone,” he said.
Det Sgt Grimshaw said the thefts would only get worse as petrol prices continued to soar and encouraged drivers to be alert when filling up at service stations.
“Take more notice when at the pump of the cars around you, the drivers and the number plates on suspiciouslooking cars,” he said.
“This could help police when investigating petrol driveoffs and hopefully decrease the number of thefts.”
The News (28 July) reported the financial havoc petrol thieves were wreaking on Cranbourne service stations, with operators claiming the driveoffs were costing their business hundreds of dollars a week.
A police blitz on service stations in the Cranbourne North/Lyndhurst area nabbed 42 offenders in three days.
Most of the charges related to drivers using false numberplates.
Police called on residents to report anyone using false plates to Crime Stoppers or Cranbourne police.