Climate action trials to commence across Casey

The City of Casey partnered with six organisations over the next 12 months to trial innovative solutions for climate action. (Supplied)

The City of Casey has started its Climate Action Living Lab, which aims to harness the collective expertise of a range of partners to address climate challenges for a safer, more sustainable future in Casey. 

Six organisations have been chosen to partner with the council over the next 12 months to trial innovative solutions for climate action.

City of Casey Mayor Cr Stefan Koomen said the Climate Action Living Lab would focus on three key areas: safety and climate resilience, sustainability and biodiversity, and renewable energy.  

“These focus areas align directly with the priorities identified by our community, and we are excited to work with our partners to tackle these challenges head-on,” he said.  

“There are some amazing trials happening across the City and I am looking forward to seeing how they progress over the coming months.”  


Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub: Empowering Youth for Climate Action 

Scientists will collaborate with students and teachers from local secondary schools to co-design climate and energy educational materials.  

Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne: Raising Rarity – City of Casey School Outreach Program  Conservationists will work with 2 local primary schools to cultivate the endangered Swamp Everlasting plant.  

Federation University: Using UV-C Technology to Reduce Chemical Weedicide 

The project will trial UV-C technology as an alternative to chemical weed control in Casey’s wetlands.  

Equoia: Clean Mobile Power for a Sustainable Future 

The project will deploy mobile battery-powered “Power Droids” at Council-run events. The droids will replace diesel and petrol generators.  

Western Port Catchment Landcare Network: City of Casey a Community of Bandicoot Buddies 

The project will monitor the vulnerable Southern Brown Bandicoot population in Casey using wildlife cameras. Local schools and residents will assist with data collection.  

Mornington Peninsula and Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation: Western Port Koala Corridor Project 

To help safeguard Casey’s koala population, the project will use acoustic monitoring to record koala vocalisations and detect their presence over large areas.  

To learn more about the Climate Action Living Lab trials, visit: