By Violet Li
Casey Residents and Ratepayer Association (CRRA) vice president Anthony Tassone was awarded as a distinguished alumni by Monash University’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences on Wednesday 13 November.
“Your award is recognition of your integrity and ability to inspire others to strive for excellence, your exceptional contribution to your professional field, your community leadership and your ability to inspire our students to reach their highest potential,” an announcement letter to Mr Tassone states.
“It was incredibly humbling to receive this Award from Monash University,” Mr Tassone said.
“I am grateful for the support of my family as none of this would have been possible without them.
“When I nominated as a candidate for the City of Casey elections, it was my hope to bring these qualities that I was recognised for to the Council to benefit residents, but it was not to be. I know there are other ways to contribute to our community which I will do.
“I look forward to continuing my mentoring and tutoring work for the university and helping influence our future graduates.”
Mr Tassone is the Victorian branch president of the Pharmacy Guild Australia.
He runs his business TerryWhite Chemmart in Clyde.