Land to be unlocked in Casey South for new homes


The State Government will unlock huge blocks of land across Casey South for new homes in the coming decade.

On Wednesday 23 October, it released a plan for 27 additional greenfield areas across Melbourne’s outer south-east, north, and west to be released over the next 10 years, promising to provide the space and complete the planning work to deliver 180,000 new homes over the decade.

The first greenfield plans set to be released in 2024-25 across Casey South include Casey Fields South Precinct, Cardinia Creek South Precinct (Part 2), Croskell Precinct, and Devon Meadows Precinct.

The second greenfield plans set to be released in 2025-26 and 2028-29 include Clyde South Precinct.

According to the State Government, the key part of the 10-year plan is the potential growth for home builders.

“They can see exactly where the opportunities lie for their sector and look ahead with confidence,” a media release states.

“The government will also improve the planning system so builders can get on with building. From 1 January 2025, the Victorian Planning Authority will be integrated with the Department of Transport and Planning.

“It means, for the first time, the four major components of Victoria’s planning system – strategic, transport, statutory and spatial – will be working together to cut delays and duplication and deliver faster and better structure planning.

“The government will also offer a dedicated concierge service to work with councils and industry to identify, intervene and fix the issues that are preventing zoned land from being developed. Government will also review several existing greenfield PSPs that are not yet fully developed to understand opportunities for increasing the number and types of homes where there is sufficient planned infrastructure.”

The statement also says the 10-year plan will turn the tide and help realise the government’s vision of 70 per cent of homes in Melbourne going in inner and established areas with 30 per cent going in outer-suburban ‘greenfield’ areas, instead of the other way around.

“This plan provides the space and the planning work for that 30 per cent.”

Planning and Suburbs MP Sonya Kilkenny said: “This is a window ten years into the future for home builders like those represented by the Urban Development Institute of Australia, it’s what they’ve been asking for to plan and build with confidence.

“This is all about providing choice and getting the balance right between development in the outer suburbs and development in the inner city. For too long, that’s been too one-sided.”