Libraries hope to book art show date

By Alison Noonan
LOCAL library groups are looking to profit from the popular Kevin Hill Art Show.
The Friends of Doveton and Hampton Park Libraries are hoping to set up their annual book sale on the same weekend as the successful Kevin Hill “TOP TEN” Australian Artists Art Show on 9-10 September.
The free community art show, to be held at the council chambers, showcases the work of renowned Australian artists and allows residents a unique opportunity to meet the people behind the works.
Last year’s event featured artists such as Pro Hart, Kevin Best, Max Mannix and Jack Absalom and attracted more than a thousand people from across the state.
River Gum Ward councillor Wayne Smith said the combined library groups were seeking to draw the large art show crowds to boost their fundraising efforts.
However Cr Smith claimed that all rooms in the council chambers were booked during the busy September weekend and called for council officers to investigate the possibility of hiring a marquee to hold the book sale.
“We have two community groups trying to raise money for this community,” he said.
“They see the art show as a good opportunity to make money and I believe that local groups have the right to request council’s assistance.”
Cr Smith said he could see no problem with linking the two events and did not want the book sale moved to another date.
“I would be disappointed if the organisers of the art show didn’t want the book sale under the same roof because they get a good deal from council. I don’t think it would be a conflict of interest.
“I don’t want to consider another date and I would be happy to fight for the cost of providing a marquee in the budget,” he said.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Rob Wilson said he would be happy to support hosting the two community events on the same weekend.
“The art show proved to be a fantastic success and brings some of the country’s top artists.
“This is a great opportunity for locals to display their goods. I am confident a library book sale would not take away from the pizazz of having a wonderful art show,” he said.