Cobras send Goon girls packing

Cora Lynn goaler Gemma Stacey delivered when it mattered most for the Cobras against Nar Nar Goon. (Stewart Chambers: 422962)

By David Nagel

Cora Lynn has kept its finals hopes alive and sent Nar Nar Goon tumbling outside the top-six after the Cobras scored a 43-39 victory over the Goon at Spencer Street on Saturday.

A loss would have all but ruled out the Cobras from this year’s premiership race, but brave second and fourth quarters saw them jump from seventh to sixth on the ladder.

Nar Nar Goon started better than Cora Lynn, taking a 12-9 lead to quarter time, before the Cobras bounced back with a 14-10 second term to take a one-goal lead at the half.

Both teams scored eight goals in the third quarter to set up a thrilling finale.

Cora Lynn dug deepest, with Annabel Sheppard (GK) and Danielle Cameron (GD) leading the defensive efforts, while Paige Brooks-MacMillan (WD), Ellie Keen (C) and Alannah Keen (WA) lifted their rating through the midcourt.

Gemma Stacey (GS) was rock-solid under the ring, while Brooke Abu-Jaber (GA) was also influential as the Cobras scored 12-9 in the final term to bank the premiership points.

Nar Nar Goon will endure a nervous wait this week, with goaler Steph Lee (GA) appearing to suffer a serious knee injury.

Cora Lynn could jump to fifth this week with a win over bottom-placed Warragul Industrials, before a last-round visit from fourth-placed Kilcunda-Bass will determine its fate.

All is not lost for Nar Nar Goon, who should win its last two against Garfield and Phillip Island.

Whether that is good enough to sneak into finals will be determined by other results.

Tooradin-Dalmore has bounced back to the winner’s list with a fast-finishing 63-44 victory over Garfield.

The second-placed Seagulls were pushed by the Stars in the first half, leading by just two goals at the interval, but scored 37-20 after half time to race away with victory.

Zoe Coventry, Sara Howie, Stacey Sawyer and Abbey Howes were dynamite for the Seagulls in the second half, while Ash Hyde and Ash Bowden were good for Garfield in the early stages of the match.

The Seagulls should defeat Bunyip this week ahead of a massive trip to Dalyston for round 18.

The winner of the clash between the Magpies and Gulls will finish second on the ladder and earn a week’s rest in the opening round of finals.

Korumburra-Bena is making a late charge at finals after the Giants made it three-straight wins with a 43-25 win over Bunyip.

The Giants exploded out of the blocks, scoring 13-6 in the opening term with Ash Cuff (WA), Elisha Nicholas (GA) and Gemma Dixon (GD) all having a major impact.

The Giants maintained their ascendency in the second quarter before shaking off the Bulldogs late.

Fiona Burns (GD), Ally Grist (GA) and Ally Johnson (C) were terrific for the beaten Bulldogs.

Things now get tougher for the Giants, who face Kilcunda-Bass (4th) and Kooweerup (5th) in the final two rounds of the season.

Kooweerup is still a genuine chance of playing finals after the Demons scored a 62-22 victory over bottom-placed Warragul Industrials.

Jayda McConkey (GS) and Ash Murphy (GA) had a dream start to the contest, scoring 17 goals between them to take an 11-goal lead to the first break.

Kooweerup’s engine-room, made up of Alix Galante, Chantelle Stokkel, Claise Janssen and Kate Sidebottom, were tremendous for the home side, while Brooke Weatherhead, Jessie Wyatt and Steph Warburton never gave up for the Dusties.

Back-to-back reigning premier Inverloch-Kongwak has reminded everyone of its potency with a 58-37 triumph over Kilcunda-Bass.

It was statement-time for the Sea Eagles in the opening quarter, scoring 18 goals to six to totally demoralise one of the premier teams in the competition.

Amy Scott (GA) was unstoppable in the first quarter, scoring 15 goals alone, while Kelsey Buxton (C), Amity McInnes (GK) and Lanni Pryor (WA) were other strong contributors.

And Dalyston has become just the second team to score 70 goals in a match this season during a 71-50 victory over Phillip Island.

The Magpies were particularly efficient after the break, scoring 19 goals in the third and fourth quarters to put their rubber stamp on the match.

Bella Schmidt (GS) scored 39 goals for the Magpies, and Jarney Thomas (GA) 32.