Everyone’s in Harmony at Clyde Grammar

Avreen, Agam, Skyla, Lex, and Ryan. Picture: Ljubica Vrankovic 395864_02

Traditional and cultural dresses from Ireland, India, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe were proudly on display in the classrooms of Clyde Grammar on Friday 22 March as part of the school’s Harmony Day celebrations.

The school, with students from five continents across Australasia, Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe, has celebrated Harmony Day since it first opened its doors in 2020 and it has become an important and much-loved date in the calendar for students and staff.

“We are proud to have students from different cultures at our school and Harmony Day was a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate these cultures together,” Clyde Grammar School principal Leanne Evans said.

As part of Harmony Week, classroom lessons include activities that focus on cultural diversity and inclusivity.

The week culminates in Harmony Day where students wear cultural dresses, and everyone also enjoys music and dance demonstrations from different cultures represented at the school.

This year students took part in a Harmony Day parade and wore cultural dresses from Australia, Ireland, India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Persia, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Colombia, Chile, and Zimbabwe.

“I really like the parade. My little brother is in Foundation, and this was his first time. I was excited for him because it creates good memories each year. Australia is one family, and every culture is welcome in Australia,” Year 3 student Sahib said.

“I did some dancing that I haven’t done before. I really enjoyed doing the Harmony Day activities,” Year 2 student Aiden said.

Mrs Evans said Harmony Day ‘lifted’ the atmosphere of the school.

“The beautiful costumes, colourful clothing, big smiles, and sense of belonging create quite a buzz that is hard to top,” she said.

“Dress-up days always get the students excited, however, our Harmony Day celebration has a very special feeling due to the lessons that happen during the week and the meaning behind the day.

“At Clyde Grammar we continually encourage the students to be the best version of themselves and to always be kind and respectful to others. Harmony Day reiterates those important life lessons.”