Clyde kids ready for school

Alara (Foundation). 386189_01

By Violet Li

Foundation (Prep) students at Clyde Grammar started their first week of school in the new term on Monday 29 January and they were excited to meet their classmates and teachers.

Foundation teacher Laura Papettas said there was a happy buzz in the air on the first day.

“The students were settled and excited to start their day developing new friendships and meeting their new teachers. They particularly enjoyed building and playing in the tram,” she said.

“They are looking forward to having sports, art, performing arts, and STEM.”

When asked what would be new for this term, she said the students would be exploring the community through a visit from the local police and local CFA.

Principal Leanne Evans said meeting Foundation students as they commenced their educational journey was always a heartwarming experience.

“Their curiosity, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn remind us of all of the beauty and wonder of education,” she said.

“I feel privileged to play a part in their growth and development and look forward to seeing the amazing things they will accomplish in the years to come.“

Star News photographer STEWART CHAMBERS captured the best of the action in the first week.