Rail petition for more spaces

By Alison Noonan
CRANBOURNE MP Jude Perera has joined Casey Council in the fight to secure more car parking space at Cranbourne Railway Station.
Council has unsuccessfully lobbied the State Government to provide more parks at the overflowing station for the last two years.
A 2004 Connex survey found that all of the station’s 225 parking spaces were being fully utilised and Connex spokesman Andrew Cassidy this week confirmed the situation had not changed.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford said the station’s parking was at saturation point and claimed local commuters were fed up with the poor standard of facilities.
“Council has been lobbying the State Government for years but was told Cranbourne was not one of the highest priorities.
“However, they said they would be looking into it in the near future.
“The vacant lot next to the station could accommodate at least another 60 to 80 cars.
“I welcome the state member’s concerns and am pleased he recognises the need for expansion,” he said.
Mr Perera said he visited Cranbourne Railway Station last week and collected more than 200 signatures on a petition to be tabled in Parliament.
The petition called for the State Government to increase parking at the station as a matter of urgency.
“Current parking is insufficient which necessitates commuters having to use surrounding streets for parking. This causes safety issues.
“Last week’s visit was one of many I will do at the Cranbourne Railway Station. I will be presenting this petition to Parliament during the next sitting week later this month,” he said.
Mr Cassidy said investing in new infrastructure or extending existing rail facilities was a State Government responsibility.
But he said Connex could provide advice to assist its ultimate decision.
“We maintain existing car parking space and monitor usage but we don’t make the final decision on where the money is spent,” he said.
Transport Minister Peter Batchelor failed to respond to the News for comment by the time of print.