Father fun at Quarters PS

Jai with his dad Anthony. Pictures: SUPPLIED

Fathers were the focus of the day at a special Father’s Day Picnic at Quarters Primary School in Cranbourne West on Friday 1 September.

Teacher Sue Warner said the day was a “wonderful success”.

“Quarters Primary School recognised and celebrated our fathers, grandfathers and significant others who play important roles in the lives of our learners,” she said.

“We invited our QPS families to join in a variety of sporting activities together.

“The weather was superb, and everyone had a fun filled afternoon with lots of smiles.

Student wellbeing and community liaison teacher Shilpa Sanghani said there were plenty of fun activities on offer.

“Everyone was full of energy for the competitive games, Father’s Day art/ craft stations, selfie points and fun activities that took place in the sunshine,” she said.

“Our Junior School Council leaders worked hard in planning and organising this event along with teachers.”