Councillor’s fees review ‘ludicrous’

By Alison Noonan
CASEY councillors have slammed a call to review council’s relationship with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), labelling the proposal “ludicrous”.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Paul Richardson fuelled the heated debate at last week’s council meeting when he requested council review the payment of its affiliation fees to the MAV.
The MAV is the peak representative and lobbying body for Victoria’s 79 councils. Formed in 1879, it is the official voice of local government.
Cr Richardson claimed council’s annual payment of $50,000 to the MAV was a huge cost that could be reduced.
He called for council to write to the MAV to change the criteria and formula of payment in a bid to reduce affiliation fees, not only for Casey but all municipal councils.
“Every council pays fees to the MAV if they choose,” he said. “Fees are based on a council’s population and budget, which is why ours are so high.
“Why don’t we write to the MAV to reduce the costs so we can save valuable ratepayers funds? Let’s ask them to make fees constant.”
Cr Richardson said that while council needed to review its payment to the MAV, it should maintain its $10,000 affiliation fees to the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA).
However, fellow Four Oaks councillor Rob Wilson attacked Cr Richardson’s proposal, claiming his colleague had no idea about the importance of the MAV to local government.
“This motion is ludicrous and impertinent,” he said.
“Cr Richardson has been here for all of five minutes and has no experience with the MAV and is already moving nonsense like this.”
Cr Wilson suggested council invite the MAV president, and CEO and representatives from VLGA to make a presentation to councillors on services these bodies offered to councils.
“It makes commonsense for new councillors to hear what services and role the MAV plays, straight from the horse’s mouth. How do we know how much value we are getting for money until we hear it for ourselves?” he said.
Strathard Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford agreed, claiming a personal presentation would allow councillors to gain a better insight into the workings of the MAV and the benefits to council.
River Gum Ward councillor Wayne Smith said it was fair for Cr Richardson to question the benefits of council’s subscription to the MAV but maintained its significance to local government.
“This has been attempted before. Another councillor asked the same thing and we decided to stick to what we had,” he said.
Councillors voted to reject Cr Richardson’s original motion to review council’s MAV affiliation fees.
They instead adopted Cr Wilson’s invitation proposal.