Borradale the best in cool conditions at Corinella

Weekly winners were Gillian Harper (3), Peter Thorley (L), Pauline McWilliams (2) and Peter Borradale (S). 346350 Pictures: SUPPLIED


The South West Gippsland Midweek Bowling Group struck it lucky last Thursday with fantastic conditions greeting the players at the Corinella Bowls Club.

What a day it was, with the sun coming out and staying out all day with a cool to cold wind making it a great winters day for bowls.

A great field of 40 bowlers turned up to once again fight it out for the title of team of the week.

There was some magnificent bowling from everyone with even the new bowlers coming to the forefront with some first-class ends.

There were quite a few wrong bias shots over the day.

There’s a strong feeling that some bowlers are doing this on purpose to help the kids at the Royal Children’s Hospital, with the RCH tin getting heavier and heavier by the week.

There was lots of laughter across the green as usual, with quite a bit of banter, which always keeps the spirits high.

The weekly winners on 34 points – and only two game winner this week – were Peter Borradale (S), Gillian Harper (3), Pauline McWilliams (2) and Peter Thorley (L).

Runners up on 27 points were John Nicholson (S), Frank D’Unienville (3), Bob Arnold (2) and Michael Waring (L).

Best One Game on 22 points were Mark Andreatta (S), David Talbot (3), Bev Elliott (2) and Sonia Grant (L).

Thank you to Corinella for their great hospitality, and to Phil, Max and the others for all their help and work.

Also, as always, a big thank you to Peter, Pauline and John for bringing us all together every week and selection of teams etc.

This week the group will be at San Remo.

If everyone who wishes to play could be there by 10am, that would be greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile, to everyone, have a great week.

-Laurie Bell-