Residents to name new recreation reserve

The new reserve is situated in the Tulliallan Estate. Picture: SUPPLIED

Local residents are invited to vote for their preferred name for a new recreation reserve at Tulliallan Estate in Cranbourne North.  

The City of Casey council consulted with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation regarding appropriate Traditional Owner language when coming up with potential names for the reserve.  

There are three proposed names residents can vote for, which are based on Aboriginal language.

The first name is the ‘Kowan Recreation Reserve’.

‘Kowan’ translates to echidna. 

Echidnas are local to the area, and they were used in several different ways by Indigenous Australians.

All native species are significant to the Bunurong people as a community. 

The second choice is the ‘Perripe Recreation Reserve’ (pronounced pear-rip), which translates to ‘Spring’. 

This is something that signifies renewal, life, health and new beginnings as food and land were plentiful in the springtime. 

Finally, residents may choose ‘Topiram Recreation Reserve’, which translates to ‘star’.

Stars are important to all First Nations people.

They would guide them through their journey on Country, connect them to their Elders who have passed on, tell stories and watch over us all. 

To cast your vote and for more information, please visit the City of Casey community engagement website, Casey Conversations.

Voting closes Thursday 6 July.