Help name a road in Casey

Locals now have the opportunity to participate in the naming of roads in Casey Fields. 110072_01

The City of Casey is inviting residents to submit commemorative names for consideration for a number of unnamed roads at Casey Fields sporting precinct in Cranbourne East.   

The precinct has several unnamed roads, most of which are already open to the public.

There are also some roads that are yet to be constructed.  

City of Casey Chair of Administrators Noelene Duff PSM encouraged residents to submit a nomination.  

“Council would like to recognise those residents who contributed to their local community during their lifetime by using commemorative names for a number of these roads,” she said.  

“This person could be a sporting star or a standout community member.

The person you are nominating should have had at least a 25-year association with the City of Casey.

A biography of the person, as well as consent from the person’s family, must be also submitted.

Names must also comply with Geographic Names Victoria guidelines.

Names can be submitted via Casey Conversations online.

Submissions close on Friday 9 June.