Estate levy funds

President of the Brookland Greens Residents Group Gordon Exner said council passed the $450 developer’s levy on to new home-owners in the estate after the developers refused to pay.
Mr Exner said residents paid the tax on the assumption it would be used for the development of parks and community facilities within Brookland Greens.
“We each had to pay $450 for what council called a community development levy,” he said.
“We spent the last 12 months working with council officers to develop a masterplan for the construction of parks in our estate.
“The masterplan was supposed to have been approved at the first council meeting. However we were advised last week that it has been put on hold until June for the mid-year budget allocation.”
Mr Exner said council had decided to allocate their estimated $175,000 levy funds on other “more needy” areas in Casey.
“They’ve allocated our money to other parks in Casey. Parks that our kids won’t get to use.
“They said there were other areas that had a greater need for parks than our estate.
“But we’ve got 300 kids in Brookland Greens with nothing to do.
“ Why isn’t that a priority?” he said.
Mr Exner said residents felt robbed by council after spending a year planning the development of recreational facilities for their community.
“Residents are up in arms over this.
“We had worked so hard to develop this masterplan that included a village green, football area, small bike track to replace the one council bulldozed, a skate area and cricket pitch.
“Now we are being told that it might not happen,” he said. Mr Exner said residents would fight to ensure council delivered on its promise.
“We have planned for this so now we need to find out why they have allocated our money elsewhere,” he said.
Casey Director Planning and Development Paul Bawden denied claims council had “robbed” residents of their money, claiming the collected funds would be spent on improvement works in or around the estate.
He said council had worked with residents to draft a masterplan that would be presented to council early this year and considered in the 2006/07 budget.
“The monies collected will be spent on facilities that will benefit residents of Brookland Greens, whether that’s in the estate itself or within a close proximity,” he said.