Youth expo rocks the school

Above: Cranbourne Secondary College students Tegan Fraser and Ron Dixon organised Phil Ceberano’s band Trentwood to visit the school as part of youth expo week celebrations.Above: Cranbourne Secondary College students Tegan Fraser and Ron Dixon organised Phil Ceberano’s band Trentwood to visit the school as part of youth expo week celebrations.

PHIL Ceberano’s band Trentwood rocked Cranbourne Secondary College last week.
The trio dropped in for a jam session with students to mark the finale of Youth Expo Week celebrations.
The day was organised by year 10 students and was well received.
Earlier in the week, students enjoyed a talk from the Reach Foundation, a youth support network as part of the expo.
Teacher Mal Burt said the workshops looked at relationship issues, bullying and the impact that attitudes and behaviour can have on others.
“It was a very emotional session but the students got an enormous amount out of it.
“They loved it and this was reflected in the surveys we conducted later, with the majority of students rating the workshops a five and requesting that it be held again next year,” he said.
Mr Burt described the Youth Expo Week as a huge success, claiming the feedback from presenters, parents and students was all positive.
“We haven’t had a single complaint.
“We are stoked.
“It is just nice when you put in all that hard work to get such great results,” he said.