Fond memories as op shop says goodbye

Coreena, Marilyn and Christine. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS 248290_03

By Danielle Kutchel

It’s the end of an era for the Backpacks 4 Vic Kids charity op shop on Camms Road.

By the end of the month the shop will close down, with successive lockdowns having finally taken their toll.

For the volunteers who gave their all over the shop’s 18 months of trading, it’s a bittersweet time with the sadness tinged with memories of camaraderie and repeat customers.

“We’ve got a lot of harmony here,” said volunteer Christine.

She’s dedicated herself wholeheartedly to the Backpacks 4 Vic Kids (B4VK) cause, crocheting blankets on a weekly basis for kids entering out-of-home care.

“We’re a good bunch of people. We click so well,” she said, referring to her fellow volunteers.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do when it closes.”

Volunteer Marilyn had previously worked at a Red Cross op shop that closed.

She attended a presentation about B4VK, and after the Red Cross closed made her way straight down to Camms Road to ask about volunteering at the B4VK op shop.

“What fun it is to work here! We have a laugh and it’s so enjoyable,” she said.

“I’ve never felt as appreciated as a volunteer. It’s been a pleasure to come here.”

Op shop manager Suzie Brooking said what united the volunteers was their commitment to the cause.

Over the shop’s operation they had all found their niche within the shop, she said, such as working out the front or sorting out products out the back.

She said the volunteers celebrated each other and would bring cookies and treats to help foster connections and friendships.

Volunteer Coreena said she would miss the customers.

“People were always friendly,” she reminisced.

“We had our regulars. Some would make us a cake, bring us lemons. They’re all sad that we’re shutting.”

Volunteer Kerry, one of the longest-serving volunteers at the op shop, said she had been happy to find the place.

She enjoyed the shop’s renovation and reopening last year, as well as the friendships she has made.

“The charity itself is quite unique. It’s nice to help it,” she added.

Suzie said she was proud of how the shop had survived over the last 18 months, and the space it had occupied in the Cranbourne community.

While she’s sad to see the shop close down after the hours of hard work that volunteers have poured into it, she said she would look back on the positives.

“It’s been a resource centre for carers to come and grab what they need to help their child.

“It helped people afford things they couldn’t, and helped create that sense of community.

“Ten times more people will know about B4VK now.

“We can’t say it was all for nothing. It was hard work, but we made lots of friends. We got a lot of good compliments.”

And there’s a chance the shop may reopen in future, if an affordable – or paid-for – location can be found.

“It’s goodbye, but you never know what’s going to happen in the future!” Suzie said.

The shop is currently selling its final stock via Facebook Marketplace – look up B4VK Charity Op Shop on Facebook to find out more.

The charity that the op-shop supported, Backpacks 4 Vic Kids, will continue to operate. To find out how to support them, visit