Grants help vital works

Right: Recipients of thefinancial grants from The Hunt Club Community Fund.Right: Recipients of thefinancial grants from The Hunt Club Community Fund.

By Bridget Cook
MORE than 15 local community organisations have shared in $14,000 of community grants.
The grants program, from The Hunt Club Community Fund, provides either $500 or $1000 to eligible groups who want help with projects, programs and activities within the local community.
Dennis Family Corporation chief executive Peter Levinge said the community fund, now in its 10th year, has distributed more than $135,000 to a variety of organisations within the Casey community.
“The fund rewards some of the important work being carried out in the local community, which often otherwise would go without recognition,” he said.
“We have seen The Hunt Club estate prosper in its development over the past decade and the community fund has been an ongoing source of support for an ever expanding list of deserving organisations within the region.”
Recipients of the the grants include the Cranbourne CFA, Cranbourne Information and Support Services, the Hunt Club Kindergarten, Botanic Gardens Retirement Village, Cranbourne Community House and Cranbourne Stroke Survivors and Carers Support and Social Group.