Camping kids need a hand

YOU can donate your time to children who need it most by becoming a leader of a Lions sponsored camp.
The camps are funded by Lions clubs throughout Victoria and aim to provide challenging and enjoyable experiences for disadvantaged kids aged eight to 12 years old.
Lions Club of Cranbourne member Diane Barker said an increase in enrolment meant the club desperately needed leaders for its Licola Wilderness Camp in January.
Licola is located in Victoria’s Alpine region near the picturesque McAlister River.
Ms Barker said the club was looking for mature male or female volunteers willing to sacrifice one to two weeks to lead children in a range of activities, including raft building, canoeing, rope courses, flying fox, art and craft, campfires and outdoor cooking.
She said the camps offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance for participants to build on their self-esteem and meet new friends.
Interested leaders should have a youth/sport and recreation background or a passion for working with children.
Basic training will be offered and all travel, meals and accommodation is paid for.
For more information, contact Licola on 5148 8791 or email as soon as possible to arrange training.
Alternatively contact Diane Barker on 5996 2986 or 0419 525 648.