Revving up for a good cause

Mario and Maggie and Gambin from Cranbourne collected donations for the Royal Children’s Hospital while showing their 1960 Thunderbird at the All American Car Display and Man Cave Alley in Gembrook. 190283_01. Picture: ROB CAREW

By Brendan Rees

A Cranbourne couple have helped raised money for a good cause at the All American Car Display and Man Cave Alley in Gembrook on Sunday 17 February.

Mario and Maggie Gambin collected donations for the Royal Children’s Hospital while showing their 1960 Thunderbird at the event, which drew a crowd of more than 3,000 people.

Blessed with blue skies, the day saw 850 squeaky-clean American classic cars and trucks roar into the Gembrook Recreation Reserve.

All money raised through the event was directed to a range of local and international Rotary projects.

Mario and Maggie, who are members of Thunderbirds Owners Club of Australia, said the day was a success.

To date, the club has raised $56,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Mr Gambin said it was his first time at Gembrook and thoroughly enjoyed it. “Great day, the weather was perfect.”

“The weekend before that we were at another car show at Hanging Rock,” he said.

Mr Gambin bought his pride-and-joy 1960 Thunderbird a year ago from America which he admits “takes a lot of cleaning and work.”