Bread worry snags sausage sizzle

By Alison Noonan
THE cost of a humble barbecue sausage sparked a sizzling debate at Tuesday night’s Casey Council meeting.
Councillors were snagged on a proposal by River Gum Ward councillor Wayne Smith to establish an annual ward forum to allow councillors, local organisations and residents the chance to meet and present their views and issues they want resolved.
Cr Smith said the increased ward boundaries had made it almost impossible for councillors to liaise with all of their constituents and believed an optional ward forum would provide the perfect opportunity for community consultation.
“It is simply impossible to meet with everyone. Either you have no life, no job or no interests,” he said.
“These forums will allow key groups, organisations and residents to hear from their ward councillors about our ideas and how we will deal with issues in our ward.
“It gives them the opportunity to learn about the ward boundaries and, more importantly, we can hear their issues, views and ideas.
“It’s about us working together and working a bit smarter,” he said.
Councillors supported Cr Smith in his calls for the forums but were divided in their views on catering at the functions.
Cr Smith’s original suggestion for council to provide a simple meal, such as a barbecue and salads, was questioned by Strathard Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford.
“I am worried about the meal,” Cr Wreford said.
“Given the size of the new wards, we don’t know how many people will turn up and we want to keep the costs down.”
Mayfield Ward councillor’s Kevin Bradford and Steve Beardon proposed the council invite a local service club to host the catering, but could not garner majority support.
Councillors eventually agreed to leave the catering to the discretion of the individual ward councillors, with funds to be sourced from the Civic Functions Budget.
“Who would have thought the cost of a snag could cause so much trouble,” Cr Smith said.