New home an early present for U3A

By Alison Noonan
CHRISTMAS came early for Cranbourne U3A members who enjoyed a jolly start to the festive season last week.
The U3A celebrated its six months’ anniversary with a Christmas break-up lunch at its new home at the Devon Meadows Scout Hall on Friday.
More than 50 people ate, drank and had a merry sing-a-long with entertainment from musician Maureen Maxwell and the U3A’s own Tai Chi group.
U3A president Bev Wood said the afternoon was full of surprises, including the announcement that the group had secured a new office in Cranbourne.
Mrs Wood said Casey Council had been searching for a local base for the U3A to take memberships, provide information and meet committee members.
“This is a major announcement and fantastic news,” she said.
“This will enable the community to come in to visit us to talk about the U3A, join up and then attend whatever classes or groups they wish at our base in Devon Meadows.
“The office is in the Cranbourne Information and Support Service building in Sladen Street and it will be manned certain days and hours from the new year.”
Mrs Wood said the group was still in search of volunteers to take art and craft classes and welcomed any expressions of interest.
“We need volunteers to do a number of things in crafts and especially art, such as water colours, oils and drawing.
“Armchair travel and our walking group will start in February and we have a volunteer to take classes in scrap booking, stamping and paper crafts.
“We will also be offering two Tai Chi classes in the new year and computer classes will still be held at Cranbourne Secondary College,” she said.
Mrs Wood said she was grateful for the “wonderful” show of community support the group had received in its first six months and looked forward to a successful 2006. “We have come a long way in six months and there are a number of people to thank, including the Cranbourne Community House, the City of Casey, the Cranbourne Regional Uniting Church, Cranbourne Secondary College and Devon Meadows Scouts.
“I would also like to thank the committee for the time and effort put in to make our U3A the success it has been in a short time,” she said.
The first open meeting in 2006 will be at 1pm on Friday 27 January at the Devon Meadows Scout hall.
Mrs Wood encouraged members to attend so classes could be finalised to start in February.
She said members were invited to a social bowls day at 10am on Sunday, 15 January at the Cranbourne Bowls Club.
For more details contact Bev Wood on 5995 0339.