Q and A with Maree Cullinan

Maree Cullinan. 183225_01. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

With Maree Cullinan, manager of the Balla Balla Community Centre, Cranbourne

How long have you been with the Balla Balla Community Centre and what opportunities does it provide for the community?

I have been with the organisation since 2007. People may not know that it was originally know as Cranbourne East Neighbourhood House. This name was changed in 2009 to Balla Balla Commmunity Centre after community consultation.  Balla Balla provides a number of opportunities through volunteering, education program through to Playgroup. We also have programs that feed the soul. These include yoga, tai chi and meditation. We various groups that support all members of our community.’

What is something people don’t know about you?

I opened my first business when I was 24.

What is the most memorable moment in your life?

Goes without saying, the birth of my two children, Alex and Emma.

What is your favourite television show?

The Handmaids Tale.

At school, I…

Was a very shy, quiet and studious student.

What is your favourite place to visit in Victoria?

Bruthen where I grew up (SE Vic). Beautiful picturesque place where you have the ocean, lakes, and snow at your back door step.

What is your favourite book?

I cannot pick out one, every book is my favourite in a different way.

What has been your most embarrassing moment?

Cannot tell you as it was to embarrassing.

What do you work towards in your free time?

Spending time with my family and friends, bike riding, walking and coffee.

Where would your perfect holiday destination be?

Hoi An, Vietnam. I have visit already visited a couple of times and would love to return. Perfect holiday destination.