Cranbourne Park hosts Sustainability Festival

Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre is taking a proactive to educate and inform their community on how to live more sustainable in the City of Casey.

The centre will be hosting a Sustainability Festival this week, pledging sustainable changes.

Cranbourne Park spokeswoman Beth Patterson said as the population boomed in Casey, the natural environment would suffer as more space was needed for the construction of houses and the developments.

The first Pledge is ‘Together Let’s Plant 3000 Plants,’ will see Cranbourne Park giveaway 3000 plants to proven City of Casey residents, who are encouraged to place the plants in their garden, to help create a greener city.

The second Pledge is ‘Together Let’s Make A Better Future.’ Cranbourne Park will strive for this goal by hosting a number of educational activities and workshops for children, to help promote a sustainable future and teach them about sustainable practices early on.

The third Pledge is ‘Together Let’s Live Sustainably.’ Cranbourne Park will introduce a number of free pop-up activities and sites around the Centre, including a pledge wall and a pedal powered smoothie machine, coffee cup recycling system, and will also introduce free, reusable shopping bags, designed by a local Casey Grammar Student as part of a school-wide competition.

By people making a commitment at the Pledge Wall, they will go in the running to receive a $200 voucher.

Attendees will also receive a free regular size smoothie from Boost Juice if they jump on the pedal power smoothie machine.

The fourth and final Pledge; Together Let’s Grow as One, will include a selection of information sessions on what is happening in the community and how to live sustainably, featuring speakers from local Council, local sustainable businesses, and speakers who worked and trained under Sustainability campaigner, Al Gore.

Details, visit: or Park/

• Cranbourne Park shopping Centre High St, Cranbourne. 10am – 8pm on Thursday and Friday. 10am – 5pm on Saturday 19 May.