Donation for hospital

City of Casey Cr Mayor Geoff Ablett says donating a heart machine will help many young lives.

By Brendan Rees

Casey Council is set to donate $5,000 to the Monash Children’s Hospital for a specialist heart machine to assist babies and children.
City of Casey Mayor Cr Geoff Ablett said the hospital played an important role in keeping the heart conditions of premature babies alive.
“I’m sure most families would know that Monash Children’s Hospital is world class and City of Casey families use it quite often. We need to be on the world cutting edge to save little lives,” Cr Ablett said.
Councillors voted to donate the machine during their Tuesday 6 March meeting.
Cr Rex Flannery said parents deserved first class facilities for their children and the machine would make a difference to young lives.
“My support and empathy goes to the parents when they’ve got an ill child. This is a worthwhile cause, I support it 100 per cent.” he said.