By Brendan Rees
Cranbourne South Primary School was transformed into a rainbow of colour on Friday 8 December.
The school’s Colour Run which celebrated the rebranding of their house system saw pupils from Foundation to Grade 6, and even parents, staff and teachers dousing themselves in coloured powder.
Cranbourne South Primary School teacher Kathleen McDonald said the new house system consisted of four elements with a “unique energy force”.
“The four elements include Biik (Earth), Munmut (Wind), Wiiny (Fire) and Baany (Water). Each of the elements can be connected to the school’s mission of empowerment, vision of creating confident, creative and responsible individuals and the four values of positivity, persistence, pride and passion,” she said.
“As a whole school community we embraced the Colour Run.”
She said students from each house alternated in throwing clouds of coloured powder at students who ran past them on the school’s oval.
“We had teachers and parents spraying children with water bottles as they ran too.”
Ms McDonald said a charity market was also held for their school’s Empowerment Project.
“The market included sack races, face painting, stress balls, candy floss, popcorn and more. At the conclusion of our charity market we held our rebranding house system assembly where we also announced our new 2018 CSPS leaders.
“Parents were very much involved in our charity market and were proud to see their children be given the role a CSPS leader.”
Ms McDonald thanked the school’s professional learning community leader Karen Halket for organising such an “exciting and successful” event.