By Alison Noonan
CASEY councillor Steve Beardon is back in the game almost three years after his infamous 37day stint on council in 2003.
His reelection shocked fellow councillors, who last month described Cr Beardon’s bid to run a second time as a “joke”.
Cr Beardon caused a stir after stepping down just over a month into a threeyear term when elected as the Strathard Ward representative.
His resignation triggered a byelection that cost ratepayers almost $60,000.
Cr Beardon finished second behind the now mayor Kevin Bradford in Saturday’s vote to represent Mayfield Ward.
The Cranbourne North resident assured locals that this time he would last the full term of council and said he was honoured to be given a second chance.
“I didn’t have a big campaign this time so I just had to run on my reputation,” he said.
“I was a little surprised to be elected but it has certainly shown all my critics.
“This time I am three years older and wiser and I’ve had time to reflect on the mistakes I’ve made.”
Mr Beardon said he would pace himself and work with his fellow councillors to achieve big things for the city’s south.
“Last time I went into council guns blazing and I wasn’t willing to compromise,” he admitted.
“This time I will be pacing myself a lot slower and realise that I need to compromise.
“I am very excited because I think we can negotiate to get what we need for the south.
“We are in a very good position for the first time in a long while and I am expecting big things,” he said.
“I want to work together or I can’t do anything for Cranbourne.”
Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler, who in October described Cr Beardon’s nomination as an “absolute disgrace”, this week had a more positive outlook on the election result.
He said he was confident that all councillors could put their differences aside in the best interests of council.
“I have spoken with Cr Beardon who assures me he will concentrate on the job this time and work as a team,” he said.
“He will do things in the right order and the right way instead of flying off on his own little tangent.
“If he misses out on something he has said he will just continue to fight for it and I am confident he will see the full term out,” Cr Butler said.
Mayor Kevin Bradford said he was also looking forward to working with Cr Beardon.