Casey goes greener


By Brendan Rees

The City of Casey has welcomed a new environmental officer after funding was provided for a pilot program in the last State Budget.
Member for Cranbourne Jude Perera welcomed the new EPA officer, who will increase protection for the local environment.
“The start of the new officer, under the Andrews Labor Government’s new Officers for the Protection of the Local Environment (OPLE), that will see EPA officers work with selected councils across Victoria, and the City of Casey is among the first to benefit,” Mr Perera said.
Casey was one of 13 successful councils selected across the state to participate in the OPLE’s pilot project.
“The OPLE program is part of a suite of reforms that are being put in place as part of the $162.5 million reform of EPA announced in the Andrews Labor Government’s last Budget.
“The reforms will help EPA meet the challenges that come with a constantly changing economy, population and climate.”
EPA Acting CEO Tim Eaton said the OPLE program would build on EPA’s existing relationships with local councils.
“While we already work closely together on many issues, having a dedicated resource through the OPLE program will mean there is faster identification and resolution of local pollution problems,” Mr Eaton said.
He said OPLE officers would respond to pollution reports, provide information and education activities to support the prevention of pollution, and undertake pro-active inspections of premises.
Under the OPLE scheme, EPA officers have been assigned to 13 councils around the state, including Port Phillip, Casey, Greater Dandenong, Wyndham, Surf Coast, Mildura, Greater Shepparton, Wodonga, Loddon, Buloke, Central Goldfields, Brimbank and Hobsons Bay.
EPA is Victoria’s environmental regulator protecting the environment and community by preventing and reducing harm from pollution and waste.
Casey Deputy Mayor Damien Rosario said the City of Casey was pleased to be selected to participate in the pilot program.
“The program will provide an opportunity to showcase and become the benchmark for an effective partnership between council and State Government agencies, to enhance relationships between the EPA, council and others involved in the pilot, and provide a more co-ordinated approach to business and the community on waste and pollution matters.”