A taste of Kiwi culture for St Kevin’s

ST Kevin’s Primary School students were given a taste of traditional New Zealand culture last week.
A group of Maori performers visited the Hampton Park school on Thursday as part of the multicultural school program Nga Manu Waiata.
Meaning ‘singing birds’, Nga Manu Waiata is designed to bring Maori culture to life through interactive music and dance workshops.
Boys learnt the traditional battle dance the Haka while girls mastered the art of twirling the Poi and traditional Maori songs.
Teacher John Berlangieri said the visit was organised as part of the term four dance/performing arts integrated studies unit.
“Performing arts has been a big focus for grades three and four this term,” he said.
“We organised the Maori dance because we have a lot of kids with New Zealand and Samoan backgrounds here.
“They all had a ball joining in the dancing and singing. It was fantastic.”