Fighting for Bella

Six-year-old Bella is fighting leukaemia. 146938 Picture: CONTRIBUTED


SHE has a beaming smile, a loving family, leukaemia and a whole community behind her while she fights the blood disease.
Bella Allan is six years old and was diagnosed with T-cell leukaemia in September after ongoing colds, temperatures, swollen glands and spleen.
Since the diagnosis Bella and her mum Alison Allan basically call the Royal Children’s Hospital home after treatment immediately started.
Now constantly hooked up to an IV drip, Bella is undergoing intense chemotherapy and will be fighting the cancer for the next few years.
“Treatment for girls with leukaemia is usually three years but this will depend on her response to treatments and if she will require a bone marrow transplant,” Ms Allan said.
A personal trainer and Australian boxing silver medallist and elite female champion, Ms Allan said boxing was getting her through the devastating time.
“I will be competing next week on the Gold Coast for the opportunity to win the gold medal at the Australian championships,” she said.
“Boxing has played a huge part in my life and it is something that is getting me through at present – it’s the best form of therapy.”
The Cranbourne family of five have been overwhelmed with the community’s heart-warming response to their beautiful Bella’s sudden illness.
“There’s been so much love and support for not only Bella but the entire family,” Ms Allan said.
“Everyone from sporting clubs, schools, the entire boxing community in Victoria and Australia wide, gyms etc, the list is endless.”
To help raise funds for the Allan family while work commitments get put on hold to be at Bella’s bedside, visit the ‘Fight for Bella’ Facebook page.
A cocktail fund-raiser night will be held on Saturday November 28 in North Melbourne.