No need for speed

VicRoads and the City of Casey have agreed to reduce the current 60km/h speed zone on High Street Cranbourne to 40km/h during business hours.


CRANBOURNE’S busy shopping strip could become a 40km/h zone during business hours next year.
VicRoads and the City of Casey have agreed to reduce the speed along High Street from 60km/h during peak periods and set it back at night.
Savoula Lidis from VicRoads said the change had been in the works for a long time.
“We have been working with the City of Casey for a number of years exploring options to improve pedestrian safety along High Street,” Ms Lidis said.
Casey’s Transport manager Paul Hamilton said the part-time shopping centre speed zone would work by installing electronic speed signs to change the speed automatically.
But a timeline for the estimated $200,000 project has not been finalised due to funding.
“VicRoads has previously advised they support the project and have in the past submitted business cases seeking State Government funding,” Mr Hamilton advised.
Mr Hamilton said the Casey Council and VicRoads had been discussing a possible joint funding solution “in order to facilitate delivery of the project as a short-term priority”.
VicRoads has agreed to start design investigations to propose a more accurate cost estimate.
Ms Lidis confirmed speed humps had not been proposed at this stage.