NO LONGER ‘bloody idiots’ the TAC has a new message and a set up for the TAB Cranbourne Cup which leaves no room for excuses.
This spring racing carnival and in the lead up to the silly season, the Transport Accident Commission has revamped its drink-drive safety message launching a new slogan ‘A little bit over, a lot to lose’.
The TAC released a message to all Cranbourne race goers to plan ahead for the Cup on Sunday 11 October which urges them to be ‘races ready’.
TAC road safety manager Samantha Cockfield said reaching out to Victorians about not drink-driving on their way home from the track is “vital”.
Research reveals that country drivers in areas outside metropolitan Melbourne are more likely to take the risk behind the wheel.
“Everyone heading to the Cranbourne Cup this Sunday should be in for a great day of racing, which can often involve having a few drinks as well,” Ms Cockfield said.
“What we don’t want race-goers to forget is that having a plan to get home safely is more important than any race at the track.”
Free courtesy buses will be running to the racecourse from Cranbourne railway station from 10am to 12.30pm and there is also a taxi rank near the exit gates for a safe journey home.
“One in four deaths on Victorian roads involves someone driving with a blood-alcohol level of more than .05 – the consequences of drink-driving can be the loss of someone’s father, mother, brother or sister,” Ms Cockfield said.
Victoria Police will be parking booze buses in targeted areas throughout the country racing season and TAC breath testing teams will be set up at exit points at the Cranbourne track on Sunday providing free tea, coffee and water.
The TAC said as many as 20,000 breath test teams will be set up across 60 country racing meets this season.