CRANBOURNE’S three racing codes are now creatively represented at the entrance to the Turf Club, in a $200,000 joint project with the City of Casey.
Just in time to represent Cranbourne in a new light at the upcoming spring racing carnival, the series of flagpoles and directional signage was unveiled on Thursday 24 September.
Cranbourne Turf Club Chief Executive Officer, Neil Bainbridge said the rusted steel, stainless steel and timber signs made a great addition and first impression to the racing centre.
“They certainly create a great sense of arrival and make a real statement – it’s one that’s been planned for a couple of years,” Mr Bainbridge said.
The various signs direct patrons to the club’s key racing facilities and Mayor Cr Mick Morland said the set of signs now linked with the branding developed by the council for the Cranbourne town centre.
“The signage assists with improved navigation to, from and within the precinct, for all users and visitors of the racecourse, which is fast becoming the heart of Cranbourne’s social life,” Cr Morland explained.
Mr Bainbridge said the interchangeable flags meant the entry would always look fresh and up to date.
“Most importantly the landscaping and beautification works portray racing in Cranbourne at the highest level and I think the signage does justice to the size of the racing industry in Cranbourne.
“It’s another project ticked off in what’s been a big year for Cranbourne racing,” Mr Bainbridge said.