U3A finds a place to call home

Cranbourne U3A members Gary Baker, president Bev Wood, Olive Hallisey, Gloria Graham, Max Eames, Annette Donohue, Sonny Thomsen and Cicely Hanley were delighted to move into the new U3A home last week.Cranbourne U3A members Gary Baker, president Bev Wood, Olive Hallisey, Gloria Graham, Max Eames, Annette Donohue, Sonny Thomsen and Cicely Hanley were delighted to move into the new U3A home last week.

By Alison Noonan
A WEIGHT has been lifted from the shoulders of Cranbourne U3A members after finally finding a new home for the organisation.
The group found itself ‘homeless’ following its establishment earlier this year, forced to run classes for its 67 members from three different locations.
However their desperate search came to an end last week when president Bev Wood announced the group would be permanently relocating to the Devon Meadows Scout Hall.
“The offer was made to us by the leader of the Devon Meadows Scout Group after seeing our plight in the local newspapers,” she said.
“It is a lovely big hall that is not currently being used during the week.
“So we gratefully accepted their generous offer and can’t wait to move in.”
Mrs Wood said that although the hall was a short drive from Cranbourne, the offer was too good to refuse.
“It is a little bit out of town but I’m sure we can car pool for those with no car,” she said.
“It is just really great news and council said we would have been crazy to pass it up.
“Council had been looking around for a new home for us but nothing was available in the foreseeable future.
“Now we are home and hosed.”
The U3A would now be able to offer a wider variety of classes in the new hall, Mrs Wood said, including a walking group, ‘armchair travel’ and painting.
“The hall is so big we have a kitchen, office, Rovers’ den with armchairs and a beautiful big garden that will be the perfect place to sit outside in and paint.
“It is also a wonderful place to walk, with walking tracks all around.
“This will be a whole new start for us. It will be fantastic,” she said.
Mrs Wood said the group was now looking for sponsors, tutors and volunteers to donate time and services to the growing club. She said she was hoping a sign writer would come forward to create a new sign at the front of the hall and called for donations of magazines, books and bookshelves, a television and DVD player and kitchen utensils.
“We are also in urgent need of people who could volunteer their time to teach or lead others in a number of areas, starting in February 2006.
“These include photography, painting, drawing, calligraphy, papercrafts, stamping, pencilling, glass painting, mosaics, knitting and crochet,” she said.
Yearly U3A membership is $35 and all classes are free.
For more information contact Bev Wood on 5995 0339.
The group hosted a guest speaker from Icing on the Cake in Cranbourne on Monday at the hall.
The group’s Christmas breakup will be held at the hall from 12 noon on 25 November.