Students aim for the stars

Right: Australian Idol finalist Garth Ploog congratulated students. and was a guest speaker at the ceremony.Right: Australian Idol finalist Garth Ploog congratulated students. and was a guest speaker at the ceremony.

Alison Noonan
LYNDHURST Secondary College students have vowed to continue their education long after the final school bell.
The future looks bright for year 10 students who participated in the school’s first pledge ceremony on Friday.
Students committed themselves to be “in further education, an apprenticeship, traineeship or fulltime employment by 31 March 2006” and signed a pledge banner to be displayed in the school foyer.
The ceremony was attended by year nine students, teachers, parents and guest speakers, including Australian Idol Finalist Garth Ploog, 2003 year 12 student Melanie Wouters, Regional Manager for Nissan Australia, Shane Dunemann, and Principal Consultant from the Beacon Foundation, Murray Johnston.
Year 10 student Renee Wright said the pledge ceremony was a fantastic opportunity for the school and wider community to get a better understanding of life after school, whether it be entering the workforce or going on to further study.
She said students had made a commitment to “actually do something with our lives”.
“It was also good for the students to see what everyone else’s hobbies and interests were,” Ms Wright said.
“The guest speakers were really inspirational and their points came across very clearly.
“They told us to be true to yourself, find what you are interested in and demonstrate a positive attitude even when you don’t feel like it.
“What we set out to do when we first leave school isn’t what we’ll be doing for the rest of our lives,” she said.