Pacific victory remembered

By Alison Noonan
THE sacrifices of World War Two veterans were recognised in a moving ceremony at the Cranbourne RSL on Monday.
Forty veterans from across the district were presented with commemorative medallions as part of the second round of celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of victory in the Pacific.
The Federal Government has commissioned a commemorative medallion for all surviving World War Two veterans, widows and widowers.
Thirty medals were handed out during the first medallion presentation ceremony at the Cranbourne RSL on VP Day, 15 August.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne, who presented the medals, said it was important to honour those who were unable to attend the initial presentation and thanked the RSL for its hard work in hosting the second function.
“Our gratitude can never be strong enough for those with us today and those who we remember for guaranteeing our freedom, values and the way of life we all enjoy,” said Mr Byrne.
He said he was extremely impressed by the Victory in the Pacific presentation by Vietnam veteran Denny van Maanenberg.
“It was great to see the projector, portable screen and data cartridge in use at the ceremony.
“We worked hard to get the funding for this equipment.
“The equipment is part of an innovative project pioneered by the Cranbourne RSL to ensure that future generations recognise and appreciate the sacrifice that World War II veterans made to keep our country free,” he said.
Cranbourne RSL president Barry Jones said Monday’s presentation was well received by guests.
“This function was for those who weren’t able to make the last one or who had their medals sent to them in the mail but later decided they wanted them formally presented.
“We couldn’t fit both groups in together, anyway.
“We had lots of calls after with people saying they thoroughly enjoyed the lunch and the diggers came up and thanked us also.
“You could see the appreciation on their faces,” he said.
Mr Jones said the RSL planned to take the Victory in the Pacific presentation to schools.
“We have written to local schools advising that we have this World War Two presentation and we are just waiting to hear back.
“We have already visited two schools with our Vietnam presentation and they thought it was great,” he said.