New skills top college lunch menu

STUDENTS at Cranbourne Secondary College will continue to learn new skills at lunch-time after the Federal Government extended the Connected Families – Stronger Communities initiative until June next year.
The Rudd Government has injected $100,000 into the Cranbourne project, which gives local families and volunteers the opportunity to become involved with Cranbourne Secondary College and the wider community.
Holt MP Anthony Byrne said the funding extension meant the project would continue to achieve positive outcomes for Cranbourne.
“A key part of the Connected Families project is the ‘Lunch Box Activities’ program,” he said.
“It allows students at Cranbourne to learn new skills such as beading, all taught by volunteer parents during lunchtime.”
“Also part of Lunchbox Activities is the Movers and Shakers Youth Group,” Mr Byrne said.
“Every week young people volunteer their time mentoring and providing interactive programs to improve students’ social skills.”