Car driver saves teen from robbery

A PASSING car saved a 16-year-old boy from being robbed on Somerville Road in Hampton Park late last month.
The youth had walked to a bus shelter between Kerrison Drive and Hampton Park Primary School when he was approached by two men, believed to be about 18 years old, at 7.45pm on Saturday 24 May.
The offenders asked the victim for a cigarette before one pushed the teenager to the ground and punched him in the head.
The men demanded money and patted the victim down before the headlights of an approaching car spooked them into running away.
The teenager suffered bruising to the head.
Senior Constable Leigh Moss from Cranbourne Police has appealed for any witnesses, including the driver of the car that interrupted the incident, to come forward.
The two men were described as being of Maori descent, with one having black curly hair, with a distinct blond streak.
Anyone with information is asked to call 5996 0600.