Raising $10,000 is a shoe-in for councillors

LOCAL councillors have walked to raise $10,000 toward Windermere Child and Family Services.
At the organisation’s fundraising gala dinner on 16 May at Berwick Springs, Casey mayor Janet Halsall said Flinders MP Greg Hunt had raised a large amount of money for a charitable cause by walking around his electorate.
River Gum Ward councillor Wayne Smith and Cr Halsall then decided to do the same in their ward. “People gave us $10,000 for Windermere,” Cr Halsall said.
The gala dinner was a sell out and raised more than $23,000.
Profit for the night was also increased when Berwick Springs Hotel proprietors Sam and Nellie Castello provided the venue and dinner without cost and entertainers worked free of charge.
Compere Michael Roberts commended guests for their generous support of the Windermere ‘Kids Becoming Champions’ program. The program helps neglected children get on track with their lives.
“The program does not receive government funding so the only way to keep it working is by community support,” Mr Roberts said.
About 140 people attended the dinner.
Windermere provides services to help children in crisis.