Big feed for good learning

By Glen Atwell
THE mid-morning hunger pangs at Hampton Park Primary School were gone without a trace last Friday after the launch of the Good Start Breakfast Club ensured students were energised for the day.
More than 120 students attended the breakfast club which is run by the Red Cross and supported by volunteers.
After a recent school survey revealed more than a quarter of students were not having an adequate breakfast before arriving at school, assistant principal Connie vanderVoort said the club addressed a significant need in the community.
“We wanted to raise the school community’s awareness of the importance of a healthy breakfast,” she said.
“Learning is more difficult on an empty stomach.”
Hampton Park primary holds its breakfast club on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
“The breakfast club provides a positive start to the day and teaches the children about healthy breakfast choices,” Ms vanderVoort said.
“Some come because they are hungry and others because it’s a really nice social event.”
Ms vanderVoort said she had noticed a change in the behaviour of students since the breakfast club started.
“It gives them an opportunity to socialise with children of all year levels and, in general, the children seem happier.
“We’ve noticed that they tend to care for each other and help each other more,” she said.
Teachers at the school are also fans of the breakfast club and come along to assist the children or to just eat breakfast and socialise.
The school hopes to expand its breakfast club to three days a week with the help of additional community support.
There are more than 30 Good Start Breakfast Clubs throughout Victoria.