A shame game

I HAVE nothing to do with local footy.
I never write in and complain about things but I am compelled to write and tell you that your front page heading of The Walk Of Shame (News, 11 September) is appalling.
A team loses by one point so they should be ashamed?
They try their best and get beaten and they should be ashamed?
They are involved, committed, practice and part of the community,
but because they didn’t win, they should be ashamed?
What sort of message is this sending to our children?
If you don’t win, you should be ashamed of yourself?
Maybe if they had been beaten by 100 points, you could say in the body copy that they would be ashamed of their performance, but they lose by one point, and it’s the heading?
You should be ashamed of yourself for letting this through to print.
Mik Piening,